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Software Products,
AI Research
and more…

Kenny Otesile

I am Kenny Otesile, a software engineer and artificial intelligence (AI) researcher.

Since 2016, including about 3 years of industry experience, I have worked on diverse kinds of software products across multiple industries, both individually and as a part of a team. I have also helped establish teams in organizations, providing the right environments for technical talents to do great work.

Amobern CASS
Renda Africa
U Commerce

AI Generalization and Interaction

I have a vision to create computer—artificial intelligence (AI)—agents that operate autonomously in the world, and collaborate seamlessly with humans and other computer agents to do meaningful work. With this in mind, I am currently learning and building as much as I can as I hope to develop general-purpose AI systems that can deeply understand, adapt to, and successfully engage with any environment or scenario without external supervision.